Swamp coolers, the affectionate term for an evaporative cooler, can help you save a lot of money on your electricity bills during hot summer months. A swamp cooler is a more efficient alternative to an air conditioner that uses near-constant electrical energy to keep the refrigerant moving through condenser coils. Instead, it uses the natural process called evaporation to cool your home. An evaporative cooler uses electricity to drive a fan that cools your room.
Evaporative cooling is a great option if you are excited about the energy savings and sustainability it offers. Knowing how to use your evaporative cooling system is key to making the most of it. The evaporative coolers don’t work like regular air conditioning. It is important to know how to use them.
Here are the facts:
1. In Dry Climates, Use Your Swamp Cooler
People make the biggest mistake with their evaporative cooler by trying to use it during humid weather. This is a mistake that will not work. The purpose of an evaporative cooler is to lower the temperature by allowing water to evaporate and dry out the air. Water evaporates naturally, which lowers the temperature. The fan then blows cold air where it is needed. The process works in the same way as sweating. Dry air cools damp skin, which makes your body more comfortable.
2. Seasonally Use Your Swamp Cooler
You can still try evaporative cooling even if you don’t live in the desert. These small appliances allow you to easily move your cooling from one room to another and also make it easier to store the appliance when it is not in use.
Evaporative coolers perform best when relative humidity is between 70 and 75 percent. Evaporative coolers lose their effectiveness once the humidity is above 75%. This can make it worse because they make the air damper. Keep an eye on the weather if you live in areas where humidity changes frequently.
3. Open the Windows
Evaporative cooling can be used to “unlearn” what you know about air conditioning. Swamp coolers work best in open, insulated environments. A swamp cooler creates moist air inside your home by vaporizing water into the air. Your evaporative cooler will not work as well if your home is humid. Keep a few windows open to let in dry and moist air.
4. Run a Dehumidifier
A dehumidifier can be added to your cooling system if it is too hot to open windows. The dehumidifier pulls moisture from the air and stores it in a tank until it’s empty. A dehumidifier can be used by itself to cool your home on hot summer days.
6. Try Positioning
Portable evaporative coolers that are smaller and more portable can be used to cool a single room only, not your entire house. For maximum efficiency, make sure you check the recommended area size. The swamp cooler can be placed so that cool air is directed directly at your living room sofa or dining table.
7. Prime the Pads First
It takes time for the swamp cooler pad to absorb water when you first turn on your evaporative cooler. Once they are wet, they will be able to wick more water from the tank. However, it may take up to 15 minutes before they become fully saturated. Before you turn on the fan, fill the water reservoir. Give the pads time to get the job done. You won’t have to waste your time blowing hot air around before the machine cools down completely.